Temporary Service Outage

We regret to inform you that some of our users across the world are facing temporary outages and discrepancies in using the services of our companies. Within the past 12 hours, we have received reports from users of Shrex Learning, United Experiences, and CRNFLKE facing outages due to security protocols and we would like to address the matter at hand with utmost sincerity and transparency.

Shrex Group boasts an impeccable digital infrastructure and our services are managed and hosted with common practices. We have extremely nuanced and deliberate cyber-security practices crafted by the team at WAISS to protect us, our users, our partners, and the data you trust us with. In an event where unlawful and uncivilized agents, hired by our competitors or acting in their own free will, launch an attack on us – we have to initiate protocols that ensure your safety.

We are pleased to announce and assure that no user or company data is compromised nor there has been a breach of our systems. The management of Shrex Group in co-ordination with experts from WAISS are undertaking rigorous actions to protect and remedial course in case of outages. To put it simply to you, here’s what our CEO has to say,

This is SAD. It is almost mind-numbingly irritating that a few free radicals of the digital world would act against a Group of companies that is committed making its customers feel different, happy. Originating from a technology background, I understand the critique of this lawlessness and I strongly CONDEMN it. We may be at the receiving end of a targeted attack but we are not going to yield and I can assure you, no critical information along with your privacy will be compromised. These are unprecedented times in the Cybersecurity world and I am glad that we have the resources, the will and the capacity to defend ourselves. To those who attack us, well, get a life! I would like to reassure everyone in the Shrex Family that we are strong and we will get stronger.

– Shreyash Mishra, President & CEO – Shrex Group

In addition to the statement by Shreyash Mishra, here’s what our Executive Chairman had to say,

I don’t even think the attackers will ever able to achieve what they want. I believe in the strength of our security team and I am sure that the little discrepancies our users due to security protocols kicking in have been facing will be solved in no time.

– Rex Pereira, Executive Chairman

We would like to reiterate that we are working to improve our systems and are committed to making your experience with the group as rewarding as ever. We apologize for any inconveniece caused and thank you for your co-operation.

– Media Team
Shrex Group.

UPDATE: All systems are operational and there are no risks or threats as of 24 January 2021, 12 PM IST. No data or private information was compromised in the process. Inconvenience regretted, win cherished.

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